MSIM Project 2024-25: Focus on Mooz Miikan

Due to the on-going success of the Multiple Species Inventory and Monitoring (MSIM) project, the Departments of Lands, Natural Resources, and Environment is pleased to announce the continuation of the project into the 2024-25 field season. This year’s focus will primarily be on Mooz Miikan and the surrounding trails, including NFN's newly purchased outpost. I total of 5 cameras have been setup and are actively monitoring wildlife activity so far (2024-25).

In recent years, Nipissing First Nation has been setting up and monitoring trail cameras across NFN to better assess and keep track of species of wildlife currently residing on NFN territory. This study aims to better understand which species are utilizing the land surrounding Nipissing First Nation and which areas may need protection or further study. Highlights from recent years' camera deployments include detections of: Eastern Wolf, North American River Otter, Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (not normally found in Ontario), Eastern Wild Turkey, possible Golden Eagle, Canada Lynx, Sandhill Crane, and Moose, among others.

Throughout 2023-24 the focus was on Beaucage Township and the tributaries that run through Beaucage Twp (specifically Laronde Creek and Little Sturgeon River). In addition to setting near tributaries, cameras were also deployed along roadways, ATV trails, wildlife pathways, and wetlands. Cameras were also placed at various heights in order to capture small, medium, and large-bodied animals.

To see a video of two Eastern grey wolves caught by NFN's wildlife cameras (in 2023) copy and paste the link below into your browser.